We are hiring a work from home, remote Financial Sales Professional who can meet our clients remotely via phone calls or on Zoom and tailor a plan to our client's financial needs. We work off of a no cold-calling & no door-knocking, proven homeowner leads system backed by mentorship and leadership. The right person for this position has grit, remains teachable, and has a strong 'why' (the reason you tackle new challenges and hard things - who in your life are you doing it for?).

If you are tired of working for someone else's dream and want to take ownership of your career, we may be a good fit for each other. We are searching for the person who wants to control their own income and is diligent to maintain their own schedule. We are looking for a sales consultant who wants freedom with their time and income, with a natural skill set that can be nurtured by having a proven system, company and mentors backing them.

This position is 100 percent commission based with overrides and residuals.

No experience needed, we will train you!!

  • Work from home, no pants required
  • Health and Life Insurance Benefits
  • Uncapped Income with Bonuses
  • Industry Training + Mentorship
  • Luxury Trip Incentives
  • Insurance experience not required
  • Life, Health, Accident Producer License needed - ask us how we can help you get licensed